• Personal Training Sessions

    During your initial session, your personal trainer will:

    • Assess your level of fitness
    • Understand what you want to achieve
    • Identify your preferred activities.

    With ongoing training, your personal trainer will:

    • Develop an individualised program for you
    • Work with you to provide support and keep you motivated
    • Ensure you learn the correct form and technique
    • Monitor and measure your progress over time
    • Adjust your training program to keep you interested and challenged.
  • Progress Tracking
    Your personal trainer can track your results with our state-of-the-art Evolt360 Body Composition Scanner, a quick, non-invasive bioelectrical impedance measurement that can determine over 40 different metrics relating to body fat, lean muscle mass and visceral fat. This helps your trainer deliver targeted dietary, exercise and lifestyle advice.

    We recommend booking a scan with your personal trainer every 4-6 weeks.
  • Small Group Training Sessions
    We offer small group personal training with 3-4 participants per session. You are welcome to gather your friends together to create a small group for personal training, or if you'd prefer, we can place you in an existing group to match your fitness levels (if available.)
  • Participant Testimonials
    Participant Trainer  Personal trainer duration What do you enjoy about personal training?
    Pamela  Sophie Dobbyn
    Four years I was recovering from an injury using physio exercises and Sophie was on the gym floor and offered to check if I was completing exercises correctly. I was impressed with her knowledge and enthusiasm, so signed up for PT and fortunately was ‘assigned’ to Sophie. My strength is improving and Sophie is so enthusiastic about overall good health habits that I continue to strive to improve my fitness and strength to attempt new exercises. 
    Megan Kanella Tsirbas Five months I began personal training to improve fitness – in particular to build strength. I wanted to work with a professional for their knowledge and guidance. Kanella has helped me to push my limits beyond what I imagined. Training with Kanella has kept me motivated to achieve my goals. Since beginning PT, I am feeling stronger, fitter and more energized. 
    Daniel Bob McQuillen One year I started training with Bob for specific guidance in order to train without hurting my back. Bob has provided me with the necessary skills to train and extend my fitness without causing any injury. He is always encouraging & personable which are necessary qualities in a PT.

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